Assessment Information
Please be prepared to provide the following information to assist with the assessment of your case.
Please be prepared to provide the following information to assist with the assessment of your case.
There are currently three pension schemes for members of the Regular Armed Forces.
If your illness or injury happened on or after 6 April 2005 and the predominant cause of the condition was a factor of your service, we can help you claim through the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme.
AFPS 75 preserved pensions for those who left before 6 April 2006 is 60. For those leaving on and after that date the proportion earned before that date is paid at 60 and the balance at age 65. The part payable at 65 can be claimed as early as age 60 at a reduced rate.
If your illness or injury happened on or before 5 April 2005, we can help you claim through the War Pensions Scheme.
RMA – The Royal Marines Charity, as part of its Health and Wellbeing provision, offers a reputable War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) service.