Son of a Royal Naval Officer, Simon joined the Corps from University in 1973 and commenced training the following year with YO74 retiring and getting married to Sally in 1992. I saw service in Northern Ireland and The Falklands and qualified as an ML in 1980. Saw service with 45 Cdo (Tp Comd/Coy Comd and 1986 NI Tour) and 41 Cdo Deal (Recce Tp NI Tour 1980) and finally HQTRSF at Eastney and Poole. Included in my time was a Ship Detachment (HMS Scylla), HQ 38 Gp RAF, BMATT Zimbabwe and the USMC University Quantico.
I joined the RMA in about 2010 (Norfolk Branch) becoming it’s Chairman for 2017. I took on the East Anglia Regional Rep role in 2017 and became a RMA-TRMC Trustee in 2019.I am currently the East Anglia Regional Chairman and will take on the Chairmanship of the new South and East Region on it’s formation.
On leaving the Corps I joined the equine industry, qualifying as a BHSii in 1996. After a time as a Senior Coach at the Gleneagles Hotel Equestrian Centre in Scotland, teaching both hotel guests and Centre students I embarked on a career in Human Resources (HR) qualifying in 2001. My last 16 years of working life were spent at the Shadwell Stud, one of the country’s largest thoroughbred studs, as the Admin/HR Manager, qualifying LLM in Employment Law in 2008 retiring from there in 2016. I have since qualifying in 1997 been a qualified British Showjumping Judge in which I remain very active.
I come with a profound understanding of the importance of people to an organisation, building on my Corps time and considerable front line experience in the commercial HR environment and its regulation.