
Surrey Steels and RMA –  The Royal Marines Charity

In aid of The Triathlon of Great Britain, by The Rowing Marine, Lee Spencer – something no one, able-bodied or disabled, has done before.

2 exhibition bouts

  • Lee ‘Frank’ Spencer vs Steve Collins
    (Former Middleweight & Super Middleweight World Champion)
  •  Tim ‘The Basher’ Brett vs Special Boxing Guest

PLUS Royal Marines Boxing Team bouts

• £1,000 per table of 10, including 3-course dinner
• £100 per individual ticket
• Table hosts will include celebrities and wounded and serving Royal Marines
• Tables are limited and are sold on a first come first served basis
• Raffle and Fantastic Boxing memorabilia auction will take place on the night, plus photo opportunities with special celebrity guests

Tickets are available from Tim Brett on 01737 832443 or by emailing [email protected]

Proceeds from the Fight Night will help enable Lee to undertake his huge challenge, which will, in turn, raise a huge amount of money for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity and Poppys Path.