In the early hours of Christmas Eve 2007, Royal Marines Commando, Mark Ormrod was out on a routine foot patrol in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan when he stepped on and triggered an Improvised Explosive Device.
In a desperate attempt to save his life, he was airlifted to an emergency field hospital. An innovative and dangerous procedure carried out on board a Chinook helicopter en-route to the hospital saved his life. Mark lost both of his legs and his right arm. He was the UK’s first triple amputee to survive the Afghanistan conflict.
During his recovery, the doctors told him that he’d never walk again and that he should prepare himself for the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
Mark Ormrod turned his personal tragedy into a triumph over adversity. Not only did he learn to walk again, with the aid of specialist prosthetic limbs, but in 2017 he took part in the Invictus Games in Toronto. Sheer courage and determination saw him leave the games as an Invictus Champion with a haul of four gold medals.